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2025 Medieval Fair

Step back in time for a day of revels at the Medieval Fair. Enjoy mirth and merriment with kings, queens, knights and fools as the kingdom comes alive.

Held annually since 1977, this medieval themed outdoor arts and crafts fair features educational exhibits, arts, crafts, food, games, demonstrations and ongoing entertainment at seven stages.

Entertainment for the whole family includes minstrels, dancing, theater and reenactments, jugglers, knights jousting on horseback and human chess games. Brightly costumed characters include King Arthur, mermaids, and the fair's royal court of King Edward III.

Browse through the medieval village of over 200 art and craft booths offering unique and handcrafted wares. Offerings include pottery, wood crafts, stained glass, armor, costumes, fairy wings, jewelry, leather crafts, hair garlands, and much more. Watch master crafters demonstrating their skills.

The Medieval Fair of Norman is the state's largest weekend event and the third largest event in Oklahoma, and was selected by Events Media Network as one of the top 100 events in the nation. It is made possible, in part, by the Norman Arts Council Hotel Tax Grant Program.


The Medieval Fair of Norman was the first medieval or renaissance fair in the state and is one of a few FREE medieval fairs in the nation!

The Medieval Fair has been held annually since 1977. Originally it was a forum for the English Department at the University of Oklahoma which chose the month of April because it was close to Shakespeare's birthday.

This was a small one-day event on the south oval of the campus. The public responded positively, so the fair was continued in the following year. Interest continued to grow each year.

After its third year there was not enough room for the many who wanted to participate and attend the fair, so it was moved to one side of the Duck Pond and the event was expanded to two days. Interest from the schools resulted in expanding the fair to a three-day event in 1993 so students from around the state could attend the fair on Friday as part of a unit of study on the Middle Ages.

The event continued to grow filling the park to its maximum with participants and visitors flocking in from throughout the nation. In 2003, with cooperation from the City of Norman, the Fair moved to Reaves Park, one of Norman's largest parks.