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2024 Medieval Fair Cast Auditions

2024 Medieval Fair Cast Auditions

Published: Thursday, September 21, 2023

2024 Medieval Fair Cast Auditions
Sun., Oct. 8th 1pm-6pm at the Oklahoma Memorial Union, 900 Asp Ave., Norman, OK 73019 in the Heritage Room, 2nd floor, east end.
Signup for a timeslot at:
Be more than just an observer, become part of the team that brings the Medieval Fair to life!
These are improv auditions. You don’t need to prepare any audition materials ahead of time; that’s the magic of improvisational theater. Come prepared to show off your loudest voice or quietest whisper, to sing a song or perhaps to whistle it, to delicately dance or trippingly tumble, to share what you love to do or to ask us why we do this. Veterans wanting to play a new character and novices must audition. Costumes are NOT required for auditions. If you are unable to attend this day, please contact the Medieval Fair Coordinator Ann Marie Eckart by email at
Beggars, peasants, townspeople, nobles and others are needed. This is your opportunity to learn a lot about interactive environmental performance (improvisational street theater) and a little about medieval history, costuming, dances and more. You don't have to be an actor, just a good team player that is willing to learn and to have fun!
(Rehearsals are Sundays 1pm-5pm October through March at the Union. Optional choreographed combat classes will be on Saturdays 4pm-6pm at the Forum.)